Registration Details

Registration Fee
Category Course Fee
Indian Abroad
Full-Time Research Scholars/Student INR. 5,000/. + 18% (GST) USD. 120/. + 18% (GST)
Faculty Members INR. 6,000/. + 18% (GST) USD. 180/. + 18% (GST)
Industry Person INR. 7,000/. + 18% (GST) USD. 240/. + 18% (GST)

+ 30% discount for the participants of ADASIVA - 2018.
+ 50% discount for the summer intern students at IIIT-Allahabad.
+ Accommodation and Food Facilities at nominal fee at the institute rate can be made available to the participants on Payment basis.
+ Food and Accommodation charges are given below.
+ No TA/DA will be given from the institute.

Payment Details

Details regarding payment of registration fees will be communicated to the selected participants through email at the earliest.

Selection will be done on first come first serve basis and motivation of the candidate in addition to good recommendation.

Last date to Register : June 5, 2019

Accommodation Details

Accommodation for the participants (Student/Faculty/Industry Person) will be arranged in the Visitor Hostels (Guest House) of IIIT-Allahabad Jhalwa Campus, on payment basis which will be facilitated on a first come first serve.

Sl. No. Type of Accommodation Room Rates/day
(rates may vary)
1 AC Double Seated ₹600/.
2 AC Double Seated (single occupancy) ₹400/.
3 Non-AC Double Seated ₹350/.
4 Non-AC Double Seated (Single Occupancy) ₹250/.
The above charges are for room rent and accommodation only as stated above.
Contact: Caretaker, Visitor's Hostel, IIIT-Allahabad -- 0532-2922382

NOTE: Rate of each room will be divided among the number of participants on sharing basis. The food will be served in the visitors' hostel-1. The current food charge is ₹120/- (may vary).